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23rd May 2002, Page 20
23rd May 2002
Page 20
Page 20, 23rd May 2002

Tc Forced To Accept Firm's Surrender Of Its 0-licence

A Kent Haulier's disciplinary hearmg was aban doned after Eastern Traffic Commissioner Geoffrey Simms accepted that the company had applied to surrender its licence before the......

Truck Lost For Moving Car Parts

A Tyneside recovery operator whose truck was impounded after it was used without an Operator's Licence has failed in his bid to have it returned. Jeffrey Tote, trading as JT......

Mial Denial

n the 9 - 15 May issue of :ommercial Motor we ran a tory referring to a court case nvolving driver Paul Aldren. In (litigation his lawyer claimed hat his employers Entwisle's......

Mmtcies O Tyrone Lorry Driver Paul Loon Was Found To

have two witches in his cab: one to iterfere with the tachograph nd the other with the speed miter. He failed to appear efore the Isle of Anglesey iagistrates but the case was......

Series Of Hours Offences Ommitted By Gaerwen Lorry River Huw

Roberts while , orking for Isle of Angleseyased PAR Contractors has led f his HGV driving licence being uspended for six months when e appeared before Welsh DTC Ian Bourlet......

Le Licence Held By Leedsseed Lawcris Panel Products Is...

be carried out. North istern TC Tom Macartney ive the company a formal arning after hearing it had ien fined £1,000 for using a thicle with a defective speed niter and......