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Mercers Warned Over Tours Deal
• North Western Traffic Commissioner Martin Albu has taken no action against the PSV Operator's Licence held by Mercers (Longridge), but stressed that he did not condone the......
S Jones Cleared On Five Counts
• S Jones of Aldridge has won an absolute discharge on five offences of using over-length artics. Northamptonshire police had stopped the Jones artics in April, May and June.......
Lost Licence
• The PSV operator's licence held by Jack Mather, trading as Easyway Bus of Blackpool, has been revoked by North Western Traffic Commissioner Martin Albu. Mather had been called......
Bigger Fleet For Pickups
• Pudsey-based Pickups Transport has won authority to operate an additional 15 vehicles and 20 trailers after winning a deal with Elf (GB). The company's application was heard......