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How To Apply Licensing To The New Weight Regs.
H 0W do the recently enacted Construction and Use amendment regulations, which came into effect last August, affect hauliers so far as licensing is concerned? In simple, broad......
Why The Secrecy Over Scottish Steel Rates?
THE Scottish steel rates controversy I between the Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin, and Colvilles Ltd., involving applications by several large steel hauliers, seems to have......
Transporter Appeal Not To Go Further
B ECAUSE of the recent amendments to the Construction and Use Regulations, no further steps are to be taken to quash the convictions and fines against Dependable Delivery Ltd.......
A Shot In The Arm For Small Stage Operators
it East Midland Traffic Comissioners, under their chairman, Mr. Charles Hodgson, recently heard an application by a Fosdyke (Lines) bus operator to continue to charge lower......