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Shap Sheds Its Teeth
• No longer will the long haul over 1400ft Shap Fell be a winter's nightmare for lorry drivers. Today the Transport Minister opened the 34-mile stretch of M6 from Carnforth, in......
\t„ Enter Southern Ferries
• On Friday a new freight and car ferry, the 11,500-ton Eagle, owned by the General Steam Navigation Co, was launched. It will be operated by a new company, Southern Ferries......
North Notts Training Group
• The exemption of haulage companies of LJNE GORGE Tebesy more than five people from the activities of the RTITB would be a disaster, Mr Eric Tindall, director-general of the......
Turbines And The Noise Problem
• Addressing members of the IRTE in Liverpool on Tuesday evening, Mr P. A. Phillips, a member of the British Leyland Corporation, spoke of the major part gas turbines could......
Training Centre For Transport Planners
• In Lady Sharp's report "Transport Planning: the men for the job" published earlier this year she advocated the establishment of a centre for the advanced training of urban......
Test Points
• A paragraph under this heading in last week's CM stated that the manager of Wallasey test station had suggested that operators could help themselves by bringing their vehicles......