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Another Scottish Bus Deal Proposed.
WE understand that W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., Falkirk, has offered to purchase the issued shares of the Aberdeen Suburban 'Transport Co., Ltd., at £1 5s. per share. The......
Bus Microphone Experiment.
LEEDS Corporation has equipped one of its double-deck buses with a microphone and loudspeaker, so that when the conductor is standing on the platform, he may announce clearly......
Conditions Of Operatives.
THE licensing committee of Blyth Cor poration -has received a letter from United Automobile Services, Ltd., enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Traffic Commissioners in......
Extending Wallasey's System.
THE transport committee of Wallasey Corporation is to consider the suggestion for a through bus service to New Brighton, via Warren Drive, when the trams are discontinued.......
Ban On Free Travel.
THE Accrington municipal-transport authority has decided that the free travelling facilities granted to members of the police force, when making use of buses on journeys to and......
Glasgow's New Garage.
THE transport committee of Glasgow Corporation is to make arrangements for the official opening of the new motorbus garage at Knightswood, which will be one of the finest in the......
Swindon's Bid For Extension.
SWINDON Corporation is applying to the Southern Traffic Commissioners for permission to operate buses outside its boundaries in the rural district of Highworth.......
Revised Fares On South Wales Services.
WE have been notified that Red and White Services, Ltd., in association with the Great Western Express Co., Ltd., has revised the fares on its services from London to all parts......
Commissioners Approve Oneman Buses.
THE Western Traffic Commissioners have granted permission to Gloucester Corporation to continue the operation of one-man buses on certain routes. The Transport and General......
Unusual Return-ticket Case.
AN unusual case was raised at Leeds vilhen a man was summoned for refusing to pay his fare. He had apparently purchased a return ticket from the Yorkshire Electric Tramways Co.,......
. U.a.s. Merger Plans.
IT is understood that negotiations are proceeding between United Automobile Services, Ltd., and Messrs. Walters andJohnson, who operate between Darlington and Durham. Mr. .1.......