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New Ferry Terminals Opened At Woolwich
T HE new 12m. end-loading terminals at Wool wich Free Ferry were opened on Tuesday by Mr. Rex M. Whitton, Federal Highway Administrator of the United States Department of......
Export Services On Show
THERE will be strong transport interest I again at the Export Services Exhibition this year, with good support from the container and ferry concerns. The exhibition is at......
World Service Centre For Ford
F ORD is to • build a world spares centre on a 130-acre site at Daventry, Northants. It will eventually employ a staff of well over 2,000 who will arrange for the rapid dispatch......
Part Load Hazard
BY HANDYMAN Q UITE a lot has been said and written on the subject of jack-knifing. Everyone should be aware that lack of adhesion at the driving wheels is the main cause of a......