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Q I Am A Farmer And Have Recently Divided
my land into a number of units, which I have leased to tenant farmers. Could you tell me whether will be able to use my vehicles, at present on F-licence, for work on these......
A I Recently Saw An 8-ton Vehicle On A
motorway slow-lane fail to stop in time to avoid a pile-up ahead involving a number of vehicles. A similar vehicle that had pulled into the fast lane to avoid a collision......
Q Am Considering Operating 4 X 4 Corn' Mer 04 Lorries.
What are the gross vehicle and axle weights for this vehicle? will have difficulty in maintaining equal weight distribution between front and rear axle. Would 14or 16-ply tyres......
Q Can You Tell Me Of Any Societies Or Clubs That
are concerned with radio-telephony and also any publications on this subject? A If your interest in radio-telephony is for its commercial application, we suggest you contact the......
Q In "the Next 10 Years" Article
published in the August 16 issue of Commercial Motor it is claimed that turbocharging reduces cyclic torque variations and thus gives the gearbox an easier life. Surely this is......
Q We Are Putting On The Road A Break' Down Recovery
vehicle and would like information as to any standard charges for this type of service? A A scale of charges has been negotiated between the Automobile Association and the Motor......