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Q Am A 51-year-old Psv Driver And
would like to know whether I must automatically take a medical examination in order to retain my psv licence. understand from a report in CM that, under an Act passed in 1934, a......
A We Have An Airfield And Factory Fire
brigade whose big tenders are in the "heavy" class, and we understand that their drivers will require hgv drivers' licences although these vehicles do not carry goods. It states......
In Cm Of December 6 1968 In A Road
test report on the Ford DT1400, and on January 76 7970 in a report on the road test of a 01000 Ford the following figures were quoted:— ITEM D1000 DT1400 Axle Ratio: 6.14 6.50......
Cl Could You Tell Me Whether, On The Following Record, I...
Between February 1969 and February 1970 I drove an hgv at least once per week on 26 separate weeks throughout the year. Sometimes I drove several times in the one week and in......
I Have Been Told There Is A Method Of "cutting
out" diesel engines when they overheat. Can you supply any helpful information whereby we could fit up our vehicles against overheating? A We recently published a piece on this......
Wide Loads
An answer given to a question on the carriage of wide loads (CM February 27) was incorrect. It was stated that an attendant is requireccif an indivisible load over 9ft 6in.......