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Quick Decisions On • Two Appeals
D ECISION on two appeals heard only a few weeks before has been announced by the Minister of Transport. The inquiry into one was held on June 21, the other being as recently as......
Sub-standard Fares To Go Up In London
(I N September 2, most of the sub standard standard fares at present n operation in London will be raised to " bring them more nearly into line with the standard." This was......
T HE terminal of Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., in Clyde Street, Edinburgh, should be completed within a few weeks. When it is in operation, no services will start from St. Andrews......
Bus Exports Highest Since 1952
D UR1NG June, commercial vehicles were produced at the rate of 6,636 a week, the month's total being 33,181. Of these, 19,027 were for the home market and 14,154 for export.......