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F Rd Dealers To Get T Lloomme Computer
FO OPERATORS will benefit from the introduction by the co y of a talking computer system which will speed parts o s ng by dealers. B the end of November, 550 special VOR......
Mercedes Splitter Option
THE SPLITTER gearbox option now being offered on Mercedes-Benz 1632 S tracthie units (CM road test June 22, 1979) provides an overdrive top gear ratio of 0.85 to 1 and an......
Cost Of Tyre Neglect
UNDER-INFLATION, overloading and speeding can reduce tyre life by as much as 30 per cent and add as much as £500 a year to the running costs of a heavy artic, claims Dunlop in......
°bile Exam Room
T E ROAD Transport Indu try Training Board has ta en delivery of a mobile "S 'lls Testing Unit" built by A. C. Penman and Co Ltd of D mfries on a Rymar trailer ch sis. Designed......