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The 2033S shares the same power train as the 1633, and was available on the German market as early as 1979. Its flexibility is now well proven, but for the British marker a......
:he L-type sleeper cab is an all-steel .nibly built to a high standard to orporate sound and heat insulation, goise levels in-cab were very low — y 75 dB(A) at SOmph — and might......
Performance On The Road The 16-speed Gearbox With A Direct
top provided a ratio for every occasion. Progression through the double-H-gate using the detem to pass from low to high ratio was simplicity itself. Such was the level of torque......
Summary The Almost Lazy Driving Style This Calls For Worked
well except on three occasions along the A68. The overall consumption was 40.76 lit/100km (6.93mpg), achieved without detriment to journey times. The 16-speed ZF Ecosplit......