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Drip-feed Effect
TREAD WITH interest the letter in your legal section: "Just doing my job" (CAI 3 February). From the employer's point of view! feel that the driver could have helped an awful......
Parking Problem
WE FEEL IT is time to inform readers of the serious problem of curtain slashing at the overnight parking at Corley Services, M6 North/South. Because of this we have not used......
End This Speeding Myth
IT IS DISAPPOINTING to note in recent press reports on the "speeding epidemic" that the RAC, who should know better, are still peddling the myth that one third of accidents are......
Time For More Common Sense And Less Emotion
WHY 50MPH? Forget the rhetoric, look at these facts: • HGV motorway limit:60mph. Actual limited speed; 56mph. • Most fuel economic travelling speed quoted in every new car......