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Excursion Operators Object To Stage Fares
• Halifax Joint Omnibus Committee applied in Leeds on Tuesday to increase all stage carriage fares by Id, while retaining the 3d minimum, and received objections from five local......
Millichamp Grant Deferred
• The grant of an additional B-licensed vehicle to K. Millichamp of Atherstone was deferred until February 1 by the West Midland LA, Mr. J. Else. in Birmingham last week. "I......
Liverpool Buses On 'short Term'
• Liverpool Corporation applied in Manchester this week to renew a stage carriage service between Huyton and the city centre and because it has not been operated since last......
Ferrymasters' Seven
• Following an amendment to its application, Ferrymasters Ltd., of Felixstowe, was granted a new A licence in Bridlington on Monday by the Yorkshire deputy, LA, Mr. M. Gosnay,.......
Three-tier Fares
• Following the rejection by the Traffic Commissioners of an application by Aberdeen Corporation for a fares increase, a revised three-tier system has been approved by the......
Vandals Hit Fares
• As an anti-vandalism measure, children's fare concessions on football excursions are to be withdrawn by the Trent Motor Traction Company. All passengers on the football buses......