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Hy Automatic Ljustment Is Best
ERE has been much cussion within the nmercial vehicle industry Icerning the merits of ceramic, tch facings and their lormance. "he advent of the use of 'amics for clutch facings......
Spread The Word — Fight Lethargy
CONGRATULATIONS are due to Frank Tinsdale for his most excellent article — "Say it loud — we're heavy and proud!", and what a good title too, if I may say so (see CM July 3,......
Motec Is Just Too Expensive
IT IS understandable that D. Knowles (CM, July 17) should not wish to see the Mateo at High Ercall close, as anyone who had a personal interest in such an institution would......
One In The Eye For The Hawk
I WAS AMUSED to read your account (Bird's Eye View, CM June 19) of the transport of Ramades' head for the English National Opera. Whilst he correctly remarked that the 30foot......