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"empty Bus Should Be Licensed"
IF a small operator's bus, which ran empty on its way to pick up contracted passengers, could fit in a works service which was cheaper and more suitable than the licensed......
B.r. Lose Beet Traffic In Scotland
'TRANSPORT of sugar beet from Greenlaw to Cupar was the subject of an application, at Edinburgh, last week, when Mr. John Cavers, Greenlaw, was granted a licence to carry sugar......
New Jet Tender? Petrol Price Cuts
HEN present contracts expire Jet . Petroleum, Ltd., who are marketing cheaper petrol in the Midlands, will be invited to tender for bulk_ supplies of fuel oil to Birmingham......
Micrograms . . .
Fares Raise Confirmed: Newcastle Upon Tyne City Council has confirmed a proposal by the transport committee to raise trolleybus and motorbus fares. New Factory: A new factory,......