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Comprehensive Brake-testing
DMPREHENSIVE testing of vehicle brakes is possible when the Don ke Meter is combined with a new rument—the Pressometer. he Mark III Don Brake Meter is a ke test instrument......
Long-length Hose
ENGTHS of up to 500-ft. are available with a new hose recently announced, by Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Wolverhampton. The new product is of tough......
Bber Fenders
EXPENSIVE and effective protection for loading banks, fork-lift trucks similar vehicles is possible with " D " ion M.10 rubber fender from Goodr Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great am),......
New Ferodo Catalogue A New Motor-trade Catalogue Has Been...
Ferodo, Ltd. The data section contains full details of models and recommended Ferodo materials for brake linings, clutch facings, replacement brake shoes and clutch plates, also......
Maintenance Manuals T He First Two Books Of A New Series
of maintenance manuals were published recently by The Sunday Times. They deal with the Renault Dauphine and VOlkswagen car and commercial models, and have been compiled by Piet......
Leaflet On Sludging 2--1 A Paper Prepared By The Engine-test
laboratory staff of Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd., Hammersmith, London, W.6, discusses the formation and control of cold-sludging in engines and includes descriptions of tests......
Conzpass Price Reduced T He Retail Price Of The...
Polco " dashboard Compass which was featured in The Commercial Motor dated October 14, 1960, has been reduced from '2 9s. 6d. to £1 15s. The compass is marketed by The Pool......
Flooring Composition I - 1 A New Material, Which Is...
have been proVed under stringent testing to be ideal for the resurfacing of area's subjected to heavy wear .and spilled corrosive liquids, has been introduced by Tretol, Ltd.,......