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Looking A Gift Horse In The Mouth
BRITISH RAIL has mixed feelings about a new 1 3 /4-mile length of track near Colwyn Bay with which the Welsh Office has provided it at a cost of f1.5m. It has been made......
A London Desk After 25 Years
KEN HOWE, for 25 years a Yorkshire lynchpin of the RHA, has left his neat footprint on history by being the first regional executive to join head office in London. He has......
You Can't Keep A Good Man Down A Pit
WORKING on the principle that if one looks after the gallons, the pounds will take care of themselves, Bill Thomas, of Swanbrook Coaches, is reputed to have made a million. At......
From Commuting To Computing
HUGH FEATHERSTONE, who retires this month, has joined the computer age thanks to a farewell present from his members and friends in the Freight Transport Association's......
Courtship With The Blinds Up
I ENJOYED the rare spectable of the Freight Transport Association wooing the Road Haulage Association with the blinds up. What's more, it chose February 29, the Leap Year day on......
Lveco Lightens Our Darkness
ONE SHOULD be grateful to the international group, Iveco, for injecting a little optimism into Britain by forecasting that, having increased commercial vehicle sales last year,......