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Are Me Dtp Going Mad?
• So the DTp is finally going to launch a "blitz" on foreign hauliers after Easter (CM 1016 March), but it doesn't want to weigh all lorries entering the country'. Am I going......
The Binifivi Of Protection
• I was horrified to read that motorway bandits have been hijacking trucks, along with their drivers (CM 17-23 March). I have been a driver for many years, and I have frequently......
Locations Before Phone Numbers • Further To Michael...
(CM 18-24 February) I think many readers would find it more helpful if advertisers would state the place where their goods may be seen, rather than quote a long telephone......
Who Hushes Who?
• I am intrigued as to the basic facts the London Boroughs Transport Committee say we have ignored in our criticism of its hush kit plans. You report LBTC as saying that there......
Got It Tetped
• Re Teyps: (Bird's Eye View, CM 25 Feb-2 March) here's my guess — for "teyps" read "tapes" — magnetic, cassette recorders for the use of, pre-recorded with pop music. [ take......
Kind Words • I Found The Fl4 Roadtest (cm 3-9
March) interesting, informative and unusually pleasant to read due to the humour that Andrew English incorporates in his report. I feel a road test is a serious article, but......