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Ational Benzole Driver
HE National Benzole Driver of the Year Competition has been won by a iver from the Shell Haven depot at anford-le-Hope, Essex—Mr. Bob Clark Shoeburyness, who has been with......
Safety Officer For Advance Linen .services
A N interesting sequel to the paper "Road Safety delivered to the T.R.T.A.'s national conference last autumn by the then transport controller of Schweppes Ltd., is to be seen in......
Dipped Headlamps Save Lives
A FTER DARK road deaths in . 1— k Birmingham during the . five-month winter period of that city's dipped-headlamp campaign showed a 49 per cent reduction over the figures for......
Inspectors' Powers
k PROTEST was made in the Lords "I this week at the lack of factual eviince from the Government explaining s decision to withdraw the power of tights-and-measures inspectors to......
Bus Trailers
T HE possibility of trailers behind buses to carry luggage which could not go on the vehicles themselves was mentioned in the Commons last week by Mr. Marples during a bus/rail......