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Dr NC IONAL Carriers have gained a four year £11/2m contract for the ibution of BMW car parts from Bracknell to about 250 points It signed last Friday and requires the use of 3......
Fta Confirms 25 Percent Increase
THE FREIGHT Transport Association, Costs and Rates report for the three months to 1 March 1980 shows a higher level of increase than in the previous three months. Fuel price......
Rha Report
IN ITS ANNUAL report for 1979 the Road Haulage Association shows a balance of £425,405. This is a surplus over 1978 of £15,045. Membership does not show the same rate of growth......
Buckinghamshire (North) Class A, A. Bignall, GPO; Class B, C. Morgan, GPO; Class C, D. J. Green, Whitbread London Ltd; Class D, G. A. Newbury, London Brick Co; Class E, P. A.......
Liverpool Class A, G. Hopwood, Gpo, Chester; Class B, F.
Cooke, GPO, Liverpool, Class C, A. Clarke, Shell UK Oil; Class D. R. Anderson, Shell UK Oil; Class E, J. Millar, Bowater Scott; Class F, A. Hill, Shell UK Oil: Class G. S.......
The answers published last week were the correct answers for May 3 and not May 10 as stated The correct answers for May 10 and May 17 appear on page 47 of this issue.......
Ifc Improves Is Position
NATIONAL Freight Corporation announced a profit for 9 of Um on a turnover of £432m. The result is an ovement over 1978 when the profit was £0.3m on a 7, turnover. In percentage......