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• A Newcomer From Ty-rite Of Basingstoke Was One Of
several new Transits exhibited at Warwick and represented a combined effort. Whitacres of Stoke-on-Trent built the crew cab extension while the business end was assembled at......
• A New Infra-red Device. Autocommand, Has Been Produced By
Autosteer Control of Yeadon, West Yorkshire to give cordless switching for all winching operations. The system, compatible with most winches, has a minimum operating range of......
The Latest In Recove
• There was something for everyone at last week's Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators annual conference and exhibition at Warwick. Bryan Jarvis reports. • Wreckers......
• An Eye-catching 1980 Model Kenworth 6x4 Of Auto...
Kent, has only the second of Roger Dyson's Enforcer 15 recovery installations. To accommodate it, the chassis has been lengthened by 1.6m to 7.62m. It has a 298kW (400hp)......
Beam Support For Land Rove One-tonner
• Land Rover's One-1 Towlift recovery model has been developed by its specia vehicle branch and equipped by Bristol-based Brimec. Its strengthened rear-end suspension gives a......