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• Employees At Ailing Inter Valley Link Have Agreed To
a pay ca of 25% as the company's major shareholder, Rhymney Valley District Council, takes drastic action to try and turn the business around. Last month, Inter Valley's......
• The North And Scotland Are Leading The Way In
transport training with London and the South East lagging badly, says Road Transport and Industry Training Board directorgeneral David Barnett. Opening a new in-house training......
• Truck Operators Will Not Be Forced To Equip Their
vehicles with reversing bleepers, the Government decided last week. It is claimed that few accidents involve reversing vehicles.......
▪ Transfrigoroute, The In Fluential Trade Association For...
has opened up discussions with the National Cold Storage Federation to form a joint forum for the controlledtemperature distribution industry. The two associations do not intend......
• Last Week's Association Of County Councils Conference...
was offered a new method to help solve the nation's traffic problems — a fuel tax levied by the counties' highway authority funds. Mike Cottell, president of the County......
Nuclear Haulage M Hanks-tgwu
• The Transport and Gene] Workers Union is poised to order its members to black ti handling and movement of radioactive substances, amid growing concern over the increasing......
Union Firm On E10
• The Transport and General Workers' Union is standing firm with its demand for a 210 a week pay rise in England and Wales, despite the decision by Scottish drivers last week to......
Parnaby's Heavies Going, Going, Gone
• A magnificent collection of heavy haulage machinery was auctioned in County Durham last week, when Derek Pamaby decided to sell his ancient and varied fleet to concentrate in......
• Commercial Motor's Parent, Reed Business Publishing, Is...
biggest management game and invites you to step into your boss' shoes and enter for a share in our £25,000 prize. Have you got what it takes to come out on top? The game, which......