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Second Thoughts On Manager's Salary
T HE salary of Mr. Frank Lyth g oe, Middlesbrou g h's tra n sport mana g er, is to be reviewed a g ain by the salaries sub-committee of the g eneral purposes committee. At last......
Transport Ministers
Confe r in London • T HE Prime Minister opened the ninth session of the Council of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport at Lancaster House, London, last week. Mr.......
Coach Tour Charges To Be Reviewed
F OLLOWING representations by I express service operators, the North Western Traffic Commissioners are to review discretionary inclusive char g es for extended tours at the end......
"stop These Senseless Delays"
T O help ease traffic con g estion, all road repairs should be carried out overni g ht, and if the work takes lon g er it should continue 24 hours a day. This su gg estion was......