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Midlands Dispute Takes New Turn
O NLY 35 road haulage workers were still on strike this week over the claim for a "Birmingham differential" in basic rates of £3 a week. They belonged to Millichamp Haulage......
Traders Oppose Bans On Loading
"E'EARS about disruption of business in Edinburgh as a result of the Corporation's loading-ban proposals on main radial streets were expressed at a Scottish divisional meeting......
Thc Plans Heavy Capital Spending Over Next Four Years
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT l‘AR. GEORGE BROWN'S National Plan reveals that fixed investment by the 'VI Transport Holding Company is proposed to rise sharply this year and......
Trta Discusses Brake Regulations The Proposed Ministry Of...
regulations for post - 1966 vehicles were among the topics discussed at the vehicles committee meeting of the Traders Road Transport Association on Wednesday. Members were......
Arlington Now Cardiff Leyland Agents A Party Of Leyland...
Ltd. execuI – I fives, headed by Mr. Trevor Webster, assistant managing director, flew to Cardiff on Tuesday to attend the official opening of the Arlington Motor Co. Ltd.......
Liner Trains This Year: Mr. Fraser
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT L INER trains will be running before 1 –+ the end of the year, the Minister of Transport. Mr. Tom Fraser, forecast this week. His statement, on......