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Green Light For Containerbase
• The two-year standstill on the development of the Merseyside headquarters of Containerbase Ltd, is likely to end soon. Detailed negotiations are to start early next month with......
Sussex Driving School
• Heavy goods vehicle driver training from scratch to Class I standard, and including conversion courses from rigid to articulated vehicles, are offered by Southern Motor......
Express Dairy Ldoy
• Eden Vale was represented for the first time in the Express Dairy Company Driver of the Year competition. held on Sunday at the Express Ruislip depot. Four entrants who were......
Dyson's New London Office
• On Monday September 27. R. A. Dyson and Co Ltd moves its London office to larger premises and the new address will be: 28/30 'Finsbury Court, Finsbury Pavement, London, EC2A......
High-load Limit Lowered
• From October 1 the minimum height above the road for electricity lines will be reduced from 20ft to 1911. Operators of vehicles with a travelling height in excess of 16ft 6in.......
Irte Subs Going Up
• Increases in subscriptions are announced by the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, taking effect from January 1 1972, as follows: full member. £9 per annum; associate......