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Pay Me Price
• Following the recent horrific accidents on the M6 and M4 motorways, calls are being made once again to fit speed governors on trucks and coaches. This is not the answer.......
Lddy Ignored
• I read with interest your editorial on the LDoY competition for 1987 and agree with the majority of your points on what the competition needs in order to survive. You,......
Dangerous Substances • I Have Just Seen The News Item
under the heading Hanpack Database (CM 10 September 1987) which relates to the information in writing required by the Road Traffic (Carriage of Dangerous Substances in Packages......
Rag Bearers • I Feel I Must Write In Response
to the letter bearing the headline "CPC — the firm that likes to say no" (CM 1016 September). Reading items like this, I find it is no wonder that the transport industry has a......
Tipping — It's A Laugh
• I read with amusement the letter from your driver who does work for Tarmac and ARC. I can only conclude that the man must be an idiot. In this area, owner-drivers are beating......
What More Can A Body Ask For?
• I note with interest the comments made by J A Oldroyd (CM 20 –26 August). Mr Oldroyd's main contention is that the apparent lack of response from bodybuilders is due to cost......