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Burnt Out • Two Tippers Valued At £50,000 Have Been
destroyed in a fire police think may have been started deliberately. Farnham Transport of Wouldham, Kent is using subcontractors to complete its current contracts. Too hard •......
Drivers On The Breadline
• A third of all goods drivers are living below the poverty line. The Low Pay Unit reports that, excluding the own-account sector, around 35% of drivers earned less than £185......
Tippermen Killed By Overhead Powerline
• An inquiry is expected to be held into the deaths of two men who were electrocuted when their tipper body touched a 33kilowatt power cable. David McCubbin and Willie Wykes,......
Van Miert Plans New Ec Roadtax
• EC transport Commissioner Karel van Miert is to propose radical changes to EC road tax harmonisation plans. At a European Commission meeting in Brussels next week he will......