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Gearing In Mind The Almost Total Marine Of The Drawbar
trailer in the • is interesting to observe the continuing ,r use of road-trains on the Continent; particularly the case in Switzerland e, because of construction and use ations,......
Can You Tell Me If, Under The New Braking Regulations,
one is allowed to ■ an ex-Government 4x6 Scammell rery Tractor with rear-wheel braking on the public highway on trade plates ehicle recovery? Manufactured in 1954, eighs 10 tons......
Q Now That The Ministry Of Transport
and the Government are encouraging the extension of one-man bus operation, are any grants being made available for the provision of turning circles at the termini of such......
A I Heard Recently Of An Accident Which Occurred As A
resuft of a driver giving a misleading signal, ln the resulting court case previous test cases were quoted. Could you give me some details of these cases? A (1) Sorrie v......
Q Can You Tell Me What Extra Equipment
on a bus built to the new MoT standards will qualify for the 25 per cent discount? I have particularly in mind equipment such as ticket-issuing and change-giving machines which......