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Age Of The Train?
Year of the coach! DRAMATIC cuts in coach fares are a direct result of competition in the "year of the coach", Transport Secretary Norman Fowler told the Combined Universities......
Never On A Sunday
STRATHCLYDE PTE has been given the go-ahead to cut its Sunday services by a third and its night services by half. In a written judgement following a public hearing (CM April......
Fl Ighb Ground(
ALTHOUGH the last in principle is no criterim dundancy selection rule mingham Industrial Tril upheld coach driver Le: ty's claim of unfair d against Flights Coach Tr The......
Irish Swede Turns Up
A POTENTIAL rival for Coras lompair Eireann's Irish-built Bombardier bus designs has . come in the shape of a Marshallbodied Scania BR112DH which has been loaned by Scania Great......