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New Offices For Hull Busmen
A LTHOUGI-I the new central transport offices, in Lombard Street, Hull, will not be officially opened until September 29, the administration staff of Hull transport department......
"bursting At The Seams," He Says
A HAULAGE firm "bursting at the 1-- X seams " with work was last week granted two A licences for the addition of one six-wheeler and the substitution of another by the Northern......
Applicants Were Careless, Not Reckless—l.a.
TN an attempt to avoid transhipment and delaying consignments until suitable 'vehicles were available, Harrison Brothers (Transport), Ltd., and their associate company,......
Must Produce Figures, Haulier Told
S TRONG opposition from British Railways faced an application by Ramsden's Haulage (Contractors), Ltd., at Preston last Friday. They asked for six vehicles on a B licence, to......