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£70,000 Manchester Service Depot
• Talks are now taking place between Shell-Mex and BP Ltd and Manchester Transport Training Group with a view to the establishment of a central service depot for the repair,......
Top-level Distribution Journal
• The publication of the International Journal of Physical Distribution is welcome news because this rapidly developing science—or art—deserves a specialist journal to act as a......
Overweight Pigs: Overload Fine
• Pig carcases slipping down a rail in a lorry in transit led to a wholesale butchery firm being fined for having too much weight on the front axle. G. E and G. H. Pointer, of......
Latest Seadyke Folding-side Bulk Body
• A new approach has been made to deep folding - side bulk bodies by Seadyke Freight Systems Ltd at its body division, Wisbech St Mary, Cambs. Whereas in the past on body depths......