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Age Limit For Free Travel
TNTIMATION has been given that lthe question of whether Glasgow Corporation should continue the practice of permitting children up to the age of five years to travel free on......
Transport Undertaking Provides Rates Relief.
R ATEPAYERS of Northampton have again to thank the corporation's transport undertaking for a rate relief of £2,000, allocated from a total estimated profit of £6,623 on the......
English Tender To Be Accepted.
L AST week, a sub-committee of Dundee Corporation transport committee visited the works of a local body-building concern with a view to placing an order for some of the bodies......
Liverpool's Reserve Fund Empty.
S PEAKING on Liverpool's passenger transport undertaking, Mr. Arthur M. Morris. a ratepayers' candidate in a by-election, said that some eight years ago there was a sum of......
First Trolleybus To The City
r- I N March 6, London Transport will X./effect the biggest conversion from tram to trolleybus yet made in one day. The new routes are :—North Finchley to Holborn Circus, via......
Site For Edinburgh Bus Stance.
IN connection with the Edinburgh 1 bus-stance controversy the Grassmarket Development Association has brought the claims of that thoroughfare to the notice of the town clerk.......