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Effect Of Statutory Conditions On Rates.
A well-attended meeting of hauliers from the southern half of the Cambs. and Ely Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association was recently held in Saffron Walden, when the chair was......
Freeing West Riding From Weak Bridges.
In view of the weak-bridges provisions of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, a programme involving the reconstruction of 25 bridges a year in the West Riding of Yorkshire has been......
M.a.a. Conference To Be Held At Cardiff.
The annual national conference of the Motor Agents Association will be held at Cardiff, this year, at a date to be announced. Mr. G. C. Davies (Tom Norton, Ltd., Cardiff) made......
Standardizing I.f.s. Roadtransport Rates.
The Railway Tribunal. Dublin, has received schedules of the proposed classification of road-transport merchandise from the Great Northern Railway Co., the Great Southern......
Important Possibilities In New Maintenance Scheme
-THE announcement of a new scheme 1 of .maintenance for ArmstrongSaurer vehicles comes opportunely. Many readers are discovering that the somewhat scant attention which they......