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After New Markets : Recruiting Labour
S ENIOR executives of F. Perkins, Ltd., will travel many thousands of miles in the next few weeks, investigating new markets to replace those .affected by the Suez crisis. Mr.......
Giant Tubeless Tyres Promise Well
A PPL1CATION of the tubeless I -1 principle to the giant tyre showed much promise. Mr. F. Easton, depot service manager of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., told the Industrial......
Ex-driver Seeks Evening Tours
A FTER evidence that a newcomer had carried over 2,000 people on "private parties" from the Hope Valley into Sheffield for evening entertainment in 22 months, it was suggested......
Grant After B.t.c. Withdraw Objection
A F [ER the British Transport Commission had withdrawn their objection, the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority granted a new A licence for a vehicle of 4-) tons unladen to......