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New Break-bulk Depot For Highlands
OPERATORS in the Scottish Highlands are planning a joint break-bulk depot and overnight lorry park with maintenance facilities at Inverness. The North of Scotland Tipping......
Foden 580 Warning
FODEN has warned operatt with S80 models that th should not attempt to redu the level of oil in the epicyc garoox to that specified f the latest Foden S83 mock announced last......
More Space For Watsor
THE OPENING of a new ware house extension at Watson'; (Carriers) Ltd premises a Spennyrnoor, Co Durham, add, Fm cult, costing £400,000, availability there. Sir Daniel Pettit,......
Rising Tunnel Tolls Likely
A PLEA for Government help to cover the £2m loss incurred by the Mersey Tunnels has been turned down •by the Min'ster for Transport, Dr John Gilbert. Instead, he has suggested......
Two Suspended
PERTH Delivery Service Ltd had the licences for two of its 16 vehicles suspended for one month by The Scottish LA in Perth. The hearing was told that drivers with the firm had......