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With A Little Bit Of Thought, The New Volvo Can
look more interesting I WAS INTERESTED to read Alan Bunting's comments about Volvo's new FH looking a mess (CM 18 July). Obviously, Volvo's research and development team have......
Just What Were They Thinking?
WE HAVE just added the first new FHs to our fleet and, while we're very pleased with them, I have to agree with Alan Bunting on all counts. The trucks are impressively......
Our Solution Was To Take Badge Off Your Comments Regarding
the new Volvo FH are correct when it comes to the point of freeing up area for signwriting. We have taken delivery of four new FH units and we have modi fied the front to allow......
Please Include Your Full Name, Position, Address And...
Letters published in the magazine may also appear on the website (www. commercialmotorcom). Although we do not publish anonymous letters, names can be withheld for publication.......