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Durham Appeal On I 2-journey Tickets
A N appeal by Durham Rural District Council to the Ministry of Transport to revoke or modify the decision of the Northern Traffic Commissioners regarding the issue of 12-journey......
Poole Wins Trolleybus Appeal
T HE Minister of Transport has announced his decision on the question of new trolleybus routes for Bournemouth, and powers to operate about 10 miles of new routes have been......
Diesel-electrics For Glasgow?
T HE transport convenor of Glasgow Corporation is to put before his committee a proposal to abolish the tramway system, which is said to be one of the finest in the world. He......
Wigan Celebrates Liquidation Of Debt.
T HAT the change-over from trams to buses had been the salvation of the transport undertaking in Wigan was asserted by Councillor Ball, chairman of the transport committee, at a......
More Municipal Bus Results
F tfRTHER reports of varying fortunes on the part of municipalities are to hand, and below we publish results received from the following towns:— EXETER. A net profit for the......