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Formal Caiition On Overloading • In The May 1987 Issue
of Legal Bulletin an article appeared entitled "Legal Commentary: Overloading". I would be obliged if you could arrange for the following to be published in a subsequent edition......
Tricky Questions For Cpc Holders • I Would Like To
draw your attention to the article on page 42/43 of Commercial Motor — week ending May 30th. At the beginning of this article on gaining a CPC Certificate, a number of questions......
Make Foreign Competition Fairer • I Am An Owner Driver
with a national license but reading your article on cabotage (CM 6 June '87) makes me feel uneasy. Would it not be possible to either: a) surcharge domestic rates to foreign......
Unfair To Compare With Lower Weight • In The Report
of the operational trial of the Van Hool "Alizee" coach with the Cummins L10 engine (AP25), Noel Millier makes the point that the vehicle achieved "the best fuel consumption for......