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Company Busmen Reopen Claims
DROVINCIAL company bus workers will reopen wage negotiations next month. Mr. Arthur Townsend, of the Transport and General Workers' Union, told The Commercial Motor on Wednesday......
Competition Allowed By 1930 Act
T HE Road Traffic Act, 1930, did not state that there should be no competition between operators, said Mr. A. T. Hanlon, chairman, Northern Traffic Commissioners, at......
New Transport Companies
Miller Car Transport, Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: J. Herbert and T. A. Herbert, 156 Strand, London, W.C.2. See.: T. A. Herbert. Herald Transport (Hull), Lid. Cap. £100. Dirs.: M. P.......
Rally To Be Held Despite Boycott
D ESPITE the recommended boycott by the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association (The Commercial Motor, March 4), the Brighton Coach Rally will be held on April 23-24.......