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Star Rating
Katina Theodossiou, the astrologer, who has cast a horoscope for Lionheart, the 64ft yacht that Britain is entering in next year's America's Cup race, believes it has an......
Hands Off!
According to John Silbermann, chairman of the Road Haulage Association, one of the effects of inflation is that bankers hold ''an ever-growing share of the ownership of the......
Partners In Strife
The links between hauliers and Ford were stressed by Sir Terence Beckett, Ford's chairman and managing director, responding to John Silbermann's toast of the guests. The common......
Paradise Lost
Fifteen weeks" strikes and "'hundreds of lesser disputes" cut Ford's expected profit by £158m to £242m last year. The company observed with the sadness of a thwarted benefactor:......
Third Time Lucky
Two Ford men stood unsuccessfully for the Labour party in Tory constituencies in the General Election. Both are Irishmen from County Cork. One is Denis 0"Flynn, who works at......
Strike's Co
The lorry drivers" strike ti North Eastern British Roac vices" projected trading pr . ( £73,000 in January ir trading loss of £190,000. one of the company's brar was directly......
Lame Pige
The Post Office urgently r the attention of Sir D Rayner, joint managing dir of Marks and Spencer, whi been appointed by the F Minister to root out wastc inefficiency in......