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News Of The Week .•
LOWER SUBSCRIPTION TO C.M.U.A. LICENSING SCHEME? A N extraordinary general meeting of members of the Goods Vehicle Licensing Scheme of the Liverpool and North Wales Division of......
Road Hauliers As Sacrifice To Railways
H AULIERS in Holland (Lines), 'meeting at Spalding, protested against the petrol ration allowed them, and against a ban on carrying potatoes beyond a radius of 35 miles. It was......
Effects Of Diverting Coal Traffic
R EFERENCES, last week, in the House of Commons to Yorkshire collieries' difficulties, caused by a shortage of railway wagons, draw attention to a situation which is the more......
Petrol Retailers Have Grievances
CONSEQUENT upon members' loss revenue because of petrol rationing, deputations from the Bradford and District Petrol Retailers' Association have interviewed the rating......