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A Trio Of Paints With
technical back-up Pro-Spray, the sales and marketing arm of Cambridge Chemicals, has three new paint ranges for professional bodyshops. System CV is designed for the haulage......
Ball Bearings Give Balance
• Snap-On Tools' new MOO half-inch impact gun can produce 625Ibft of torque coupled with 1,300 hammer blows per minute. It has a rotary action air motor and is ball-bearing......
Cleaner Reaches All The Engine Oil Parts
• The new Flush and Cleaner engine additive is suitable for all diesel and petrol engines and offers a number of benefits, says the maker, Worth UK. It cleans the entire engine......
Right Vane !
1 The winner of the Workshop mystery object competition (CM 30 Sept-6 Oct) is Nigel Duffett from Basingstoke, Hants. He correctly identified the tool as a radiator fin......
Starter List
Starter and alternator manufacturer' Delco Remy UK's new catalogue for light commercials and cars contains 1,900 references, listed by manufacturer, model type, year and......