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Cl Am I Right In Thinking That A Power
operated screw-type ram would be preferable to the conventional type for elevating a tipper body? What is your view, and can you tell me whether such a mechanism is produced? A......
Q What Is The Likely Fuel Consumption Of A Bedford 5-tonner?
A In a test carried out in a Bedford KD 5-tonner fitted with Bedford 300 Cu. in. diesel engine, four-speed gearbox and 5.43 to 1 rear axle the normal road consumption when......
Q To What Extent Are Successive Editions Of The Cm Tables...
A While the first objective in revising successive editions of the Tables is to keep them up to date with current trends, the need to facilitate comparisons over the years is......
Q Regarding The Conferences Which The Rt1tb Has Announced...
A Each conference is to be limited to 40 delegates for whom employers may claim the appropriate safety training grants providing they are registered with the Board. These pilot......
0 . Do The Forthcoming Regulations Concerning Tyres...
A We assume you are referring to the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 1967, No. 1753, obtainable from HMSO price 6d. This amendment makes......
/ Have Seen References To Freightliner Services To The...
A The first Freightliner service to the Continent started last month March) running from London to Harwich and then via Zeebrugge to Continental centres, while a London/Paris......
Q What Is The British Standards Institution?
A With headquarters at 2 Park Street, London, W1 this organization is responsible for preparing and publishing voluntary and mandatory national standards for all kinds of......