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The Atomic Diesel Engine
I FEEL it to be in the interests of all to reply to the comments proffered by G. Murphy (CM, March 22) concerning the ''atomic diesel" — his definition not mine. Water may be......
(b) The heat energy absorbed initially by the water has a quenching effect on combustion which lowers normally associated temperatures, thereby reducing in turn the tendency for......
Of Snobbery And Management
I REFER to "A peek at TESSA" (CM, March 22) in which John Darker interviewed the Research Officer of the Transport Salaried Staffs' Association and which, surprisingly, dealt......
You Just Can't Beat That Personal Touch
I WAS somewhat perplexed the reference to the ETA in ti letter by Mary Jb Beal head+ "The price of passing exam: (CM, March 22) which refern also to the studies of her ht, band......