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Uk Trucker Jailed
In gun muddle • Paul Ashwell, the Northampton lorry driver being held in a Greek jail over the Iraqi "Doomsday Gun" affair, could face a minimum fiveyears in jail if tried and......
Awd's Lyon Link
• AWD has established a French subsidiary. AWD France, based in Lyon, will market the company's Construction range. It is headed by general manager Jacques Bres, the former......
Hazchem Paints Plans
• Thousands of hauliers who transport low-level hazardous goods might be forced to adopt tougher safety standards if the Government accepts proposed amendments to the Carriage......
Poor Cabotage Take-up
• So far only 234 British hauliers have written to the International Road Freight Office for cabotage permits. They will be sent application forms by the end of next month, and......