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New Principle In Differential Design
T ' problem of loss of drive through a differential gear should one of the elements slip is solved in a novel way in a scheme described in patent No. 731,938, by Harry Ferguson......
A Refuse-collecting Vehicle
F ROM Dennis Brothers,' Ltd., Woodbridge Works, Guildford, Surrey, comes patent No. 732,023, which deals with an improved type of low-loading refuse-collecting vehicle. The......
An Oil-fuel Filter
A LTHOUGH the fuel feed to an injection pump does not operate at a high pressure, powerful hydraulic fluctuations can occur in it and these are particularly destructive to......
Automatic Dipping Headlights
P ATENT No. 730,455 (Ford Motor . I Co., Ltd.. 88 Regent Street, London, W.I) describes a controller which automatically dips the headlights of a vehicle whenever other lights......