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New Bus Doors From Peters
M ODERN styling, simplified construction, lightness in weight and component standardization and/or interchangeability are all employed in a completely redesigned range of door......
Marketing Plans And Prices For Scania-vabis
O N pages 49-55 of this issue appears a description of Scania-Vabis models which will be available in Britain, together with a road test of one of them. At a Press conference on......
Walsall Bus At Show Again
I T is almost a tradition that a Walsall Corporation Transport bus (or trolleybus) should appear at the Commercial Motor Show, whether inside the exhibition hall or in the......
Tay Bridge Recovery Vehicle
T HE only commercial vehicle over 3 tons unladen to use the Tay Road bridge on opening day (August 18) was a breakdown vehicle operated by George McLean Ltd., of Dundee. The......