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Ned 'rote Ged Aduice• • •
I was very interested to read "Watch those warning signs," by Ron Douglas. As an ex-tipper-driver I agree with everything he mentions, and sincerely hope tipper owners and their......
Rene By 1413rs Aut Awe £4,000...
In your Breakdown feature (CM Aug 12) a significant point which appears to have got lost is that BRS charges for recovery are nearly 27 per cent higher than ours (£46 vs......
Comma Hi
eat SA... Potoective... a fast and reliable service, which will get a load on the move again. With standing costs up to £50-per-day a vehicle doesn't need to be idle for long......
Excluaive Aug
With reference to the article by Stephen Gray (CM July 29) as major manufacturers and suppliers of accessories added to a vehicle at a later stage, we cannot agree that "bolt-on......
Given That It Is Now August Ant That The Fta
Yearbook was published on January 4, your reviewer's comments on the Admission to the Occupation section need to be put into perspective. It is true that the Admission to the......
Brs Adage &wpm Ea Befit Ettugta...
Most of your report on the contrasting merits of the main breakdown and recovery systems on offer was factual and fair. However, I do think that your article gave a misleading......
caguegfiegat • • • Your photograph of the radi fitted below the dashboard on the Mark II Marina caugl my eye (CM July 8) Your comment that "an odd shaped radio is needed to fit......
T • Ttawgg . • •
A letter from Tony English published in CM August 12 said 40,850 hgv drivers are employed in the food, drink ai tobacco industry, while 31/2 times that number is in-scope with......