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Daewoo Changes The Troubled Daewoo Group Has Been...
all but its automotive operations to satisfy creditors, as General Motors continues talks on a shared future. Meanwhile, LDV remains happy with progress on the joint van......
Easy Four
Mitsubishi 1.200 Double Cab pickups are now supplied with "Easy Select 4WD", which allows twoor four-wheel drive to be selected at speeds up to 62mph, and electronic dill-lock......
Hooked Up
Loading equipment maker Paffinger has extended its scope with the purchase of the French Guima brand. Guima is the world's second largest producer of hook-loaders.......
Sw Boom
Next year's combined CV Show at the NEC has already attracted 365 exhibitors, up nearly 50% on this year's event. Stand space booked to date is up from 19,000m 3 to 31,000m 3 .......
Cool Warranty All Fridge Units Ordered From Marshall...
after September 1 will come with two years' warranty, with an optional extension to five years.......
Roo Mir
CMsends its best wishes to Rod Collett, Volvo's demonstration vehicle guru, who is recovering from a heart attack.......
Scania Chiefs Steady Ship
• by Colin Barnett The barely disguised anger at Scania after Volvo launched its bid to take over its fiercest rival has developed into a more pragmatic stance now that the deal......
Mercedes Takes Aim At Armed Forces
• Mercedes-Benz is targeting the British armed forces market with a new company, Mercedes-Benz (UK) Defence. The move follows the trend by the UK military towards private......