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Road And Workshop By Handyman
Loads and forces (31) • In this final article of the "Loads and forces" series I want to take a close look at the aspect of speed and the driver, bearing in mind that he can be......
Boxer With Rear-a-steer
• Addition of a Primrose Rear-a-Steer thirdaxle assembly just ahead of the driving axle on the BMC Boxer two-axle truck raises its plated gross weight from 14.25 to 20 tons.......
Cuav Trailers' New-name Celebration
• Quay Trailers Ltd., has changed its name to Doughty Trailers Ltd. and to mark the move the company has introduced a special-offer range of singleand tandem-axle semi-trailers,......
Primrose In The South
• The southern-area distributor of Primrose trailers and third-axle conversions, Truck Services at Feltham, Middx. has been re-formed as Truck Services (Primrose) Ltd., and is......